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At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimosede ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolors et quas molesas exceptur sint occaecati cupiditate non provident. Voluptatum molesas exceptur sint occaecati cupiditate non provident atque corrupti quos dolors et quas molesas exceptur sint occaecati cupiditate non provident. Voluptatum molesas exceptur sint occaecati cupiditate non provident.
22 Jun 2023
Τα τρία νέα μέλη είναι η Σωτηρούλλα Σαββίδου, η Ξένια Ξενοφώντος και η Ρένα Δημοσθένους
22 Jun 2023
Η BPW Cyprus φιλοξενεί το 6ο Μεσογειακό Συµπόσιο
01 Apr 2023
01 Apr 2023
Our panel team, of women leaders in their domain: Constantina Patsalou, Phyllis Leah Speser and Mel Asare
01 Apr 2023
Women are the vanguards of the future of business.
01 Apr 2023
Phyllis Leah Speser, who goes by Leah, is a successful entrepreneur who, in 1980, founded one the first knowledge/technology transfer and commercialization companies
01 Apr 2023
From an early stage within her career, Constantina demonstrated her interest in technology by entering and winning a business plan competition
01 Apr 2023
Mel Asare is a registered Psychologist and Social Justice leader who is passionate about equality of opportunity and empowering individuals and communities to reach their full potential.
01 Apr 2023
Antonia is currently the Manager of IBM in Cyprus. She has worked for IBM Greece and IBM Cyprus for over 20 years in the Business Consulting Services division
01 Apr 2023
CEO/co-owner of GRIT Academy, partner of Creative Women Platform & UGIVME Startup.