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Francesca Burack

Francesca Burack is CEO/President of Fearless Talent Development Inc, a global consultancy specializing in individual and organizational transformation; diversity, inclusion, employee engagement; supporting fearlessness in people, especially women.
Francesca’s special talent is inspiring transformation by helping individuals and teams make a quantum leap forward by challenging the status quo with creative, reimagined solutions and break through ideas. Her book, “Women Are Special–123 Reasons Why” is available on Amazon.

Francesca is an influential thought leader, whose compelling business strategies and expertise in communication make her a sort-after international speaker, consultant, and advisor.

A convener and facilitator of fearless conversations across gender and cultural lines, dealing with difficult issues that must be talked about, people leave her feeling that they can help change what needs changing.

100 Most Inspirational Women-WAW
Excellence in Business Performance and Commitment to NYC-NY Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Women in Business Advocate of the Year for her commitment to the advancement of women’s business ownership-U.S. Small Business Administration
Lilly Ledbetter Award for Advancing Equality for Women-NY Women’s Agenda
Elected Delegate to the White House Conference on Small Business.